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Artist Wellbeing Workshop

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Artist Wellbeing Workshop, hosted by Minola Theatre

Date: POSTPONED Sunday 22nd September
Time: 1pm-5pm
Cost: $59
Open to artists of all ages, stages and experiences

Are you an actor, writer, musician or artist? Does practising your art sometimes feel like a grind? Are you exhausted by an industry that demands the best of you and gives little in return? If this sounds like you, then it’s time to take a breath of fresh air.

Join us for Minola Theatre’s Artist Wellbeing Workshop. Over the course of the afternoon, you’ll talk about what’s great and what’s hard about
being an artist, connect with other people who get it, and rediscover creative expression as a source of personal vitality. Your experienced facilitators, Kat and Bianca, will cultivate a safe space for play and personal expression, with activities drawing on archetypal theory, sensory
storytelling and Theatre of the Oppressed modalities. We’ll laugh, vent, experiment and celebrate, as we identify ways of using creative practice to build you up, rather than wearing you down.

Minola Theatre is proud to present this Artist Wellbeing Workshop in partnership with Northside Studio. Participant numbers are strictly limited, so book your place today!

Meet the Facilitators. Click Here.

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